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Shanika Abeysooriya

Postdoctoral Fellow

I received my PhD in Engineering at the Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM) at Deakin University, Melbourne Australia in 2023 where I focused on synthesis and characterization of new Organic Ionic Plastic Crystal (OIPCs) materials as solid-state electrolytes for Li-metal batteries. During my stay at Deakin University, I worked as a research assistant for CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization) where I worked on developing Triblock co-polymer membranes and LMO based cathode materials. Furthermore, I worked with Li-S Energy LtD as a research assistant working on electrolyte development for Li-S batteries. Here at the Metzger group, I focus on developing electrolyte systems for sodium-ion batteries for high temperature applications. During my free time I like to cook traditional Sri Lankan dishes and bake things that "maybe" edible.

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